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A-Z of February

I need to preface this post with - this isn't my idea - but I think it's fantastic and worth sharing with, well, everyone!

Alphabetti spaghetti (a, b, c) on a spoon
Alphabetti Spaghetti

One of the facebook groups I am a member of (Ultra Awesome, check them out) does a challenge in February where each day (with the exception of 2 rest days of your choosing) you've got to incorporate that alphabet letter into your outside time, usually evidenced by way of photo. It doesn't have to be a run, just a way of getting outside.

Of course it can be a run, and it can be very very silly. In fact, the sillier the better, I've read stories of someone taking a hoover and some hummus on a run!

Today, being the first of the month, is the letter A. So far I've seen "area 6" on a road sign, the "alps" on a sock, an "apple" in a hand, and an "arrow" on a sign post.

I absolutely love challenges like this one, ones that aren't about time, speed, distance or really any particular achievement. This is the type of motivation I need to get going, and fits in beautifully with my start of ultramarathon training. I thought that this just maybe might be the sort of thing that tickles someone elses fancy as well!

You don't have to be part of the group to join in, you don't have to be an ultra runner, or a runner of any distance. So from here on in I expect my social feeds to be covered in all sorts of alphabet nonsense. And remember, you can always take a tin of alphabetti spaghetti with you on the days you're really struggling.

So go, get outside, and have fun!

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