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The Trouble with Training

I am Week 7 into my current training plan. I should have been doing 7-8-9-10 mile runs on Saturdays and 3-4-5 mile runs during the week, supplemented with strength training and swimming. Since week 1 I have really done 1x3 mile run and 1x8 mile walk. I don't mind counting walks as part of the training miles because realistically a large amount will be walked, and the key thing is "time on feet".

I have always struggled with training plans. I can create them, I understand the mechanics of what a generic training plan should include, I understand how to gradually load it up, and how to tailor it for the end result. I understand their value and that they work, and why they work. And yet, I just can't bring myself to follow one.

My first race of the year is in 10 days time. Am I prepared? Absolutely not. Am I going to go for it anyway? Yes. Of course.

I ran (hobbled) the Loch Ness Marathon on absolutely no training, it wasn't ideal, but I got there. I know how to keep going. I had hoped that wouldn't be the case for this race though. I was never going to tailor my training for this one as I'm building up to a 100 miler in July, but I did expect to be mid training for the 100, and therefore have significantly more fitness than I do right now.

In trying to explore why I suck at sticking to plans I've come up with a few different thoughts.

  • Work

  • Enjoyment

  • Injury

  • Anxiety

  • Fear of failure

  • Nutrition.

In starting this writing I've realised that each one of those headings could do with a post to themselves to really dive in. I can't afford a therapist (and in truth, I've had 5 and never found them to be useful for me personally), so this is my form of therapy. You're welcome to leave me to my ramblings, or to come along for the ride!

Do let me know if you struggle to stick to training plans, because I could certainly do with the help! If you've previously had this issue how have you overcome it? Were there any other sticking blocks for you?

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